Stop Chasing Those Who Move Away From You

Description : This document is the english version of the original document << Ne cours plus après ceux qui s’éloigne de toi ! >>. This is a message of exhortation received from God by Brother Cyrille.

After going through rejection and separation with many beloved, I always wanted to restore things and keep the peace between us, unfortunately, I found that I could not have positive results after several attempts. The Lord used my wife to speak to me through these words << if the brothers don’t want you, don’t force them because you will hurt yourself for nothing >> why did she say it? because I spent my time visiting and phoning the brothers who didn’t care nor give it back to me. Then the Lord started to teach me and I was really restored and healed from this situation and the Lord allowed me to write it down so that someone would be restored and healed too in the name of Yehoshua ha Mashiah.

Autor : Cyrille, PANGAP, Cameroon, MAY 2023.


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« Or maintenant ces trois choses demeurent : la foi, l’espérance et l’amour. Mais la plus grande des trois, c’est l’amour. » 1 CORINTHIENS 13:13



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