This document is the english version of the original document “PRENDS GARDE”. UAt night while I was praying, I had a vision and in that vision the Lord opened my eyes and I saw wolves that were being ambushed and another wolf had stepped forward and was struggling with a sheep. And then the vision stopped. And for a few days I was trying to understand this vision and the Lord began to teach me. Many sheep do not realize that they are in the midst of wolves. While our YEHOSHUA HA MASHIAH (JESUS CHRIST) said so well: “I send you out like sheep in the midst of wolves.”

If I write this few words, it is precisely to awaken the consciousness of many, so that we watch out because the days are evil.

Actor : PANGAP Mbami Cyrille, Cameroon, August 2022.


1 Comment

  • Mark 11 septembre 2022

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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« Or maintenant ces trois choses demeurent : la foi, l’espérance et l’amour. Mais la plus grande des trois, c’est l’amour. » 1 CORINTHIENS 13:13



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